Mission Control Staffing (procedures)

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1.0 Mission Control Staffing Procedures

1.0.1 Mission Control Posts

There are 7 posts in Mission Control arranged in priority order:

Suggested Double Stations

If necessary a single person may be permitted to monitor two stations at once following the combinations suggested below:

  • INCO and GUIDO

1.0.2 Mission Control Shift Length

A shift in Mission Control is 20 minutes long. Each shift will begin with a positions and software check, as explained in the LOGS Procedures.

1.0.3 Minimum Staffing Requirements

The minimum number of Mission Controllers present in Mission Control at any time is three. In the case of fewer than seven Mission Controllers, stations should be assigned based on the Priority List or doubled up according to the List of Suggested Double Stations.

1.0.4 Staffing Crisis

If there are fewer than the minimum number of Mission Control Staff in Mission Control, the Flight Director will declare a Staffing Crisis, and follow the following procedures.

The Mission Control Commander should proceed to locate more staff for Mission Control.