Template talk:Mission

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Revision as of 20:56, 22 March 2010 by Cslatlantis (Talk | contribs)

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Ben, can we add Medic and Co-Pilot to this template? They're official positions, so it seems right to include them. -maclean

I'm just making up a new template! How coincidental! Also, how are you? Sign by ~~~~, it automatically puts your name and date. ---Q-Cumber 12:03, 11 March 2010 (EST)
I think every rank beside Command ones should be in the article itself; most of these mission articles are blank except for the table. I'm also going to add Simulator Commander---Q-Cumber 16:53, 11 March 2010 (EST)
I disagree -- it's quicker and easier to just read them off the table. They can be stated in the article as well, in a less direct way, but if you're someone who just wants to get fast information (like me), the table's helpful. Is it possible to have a bunch of positions that can be included, but don't have to be? For example, this year we had two Mission Specialists, but in past years we've had more than that, or less than that, or none at all. So having rungs in the table that can be left blank and therefore do not show up would be nice. Don't know if you can do that or not, though, being somewhat of a wiki newbie. Also, as to how I'm feeling, I'm lovely, thanks, except that it feels like the room is on fire and my face is going to explode. I'm also apparently channeling Shaun (AssCreed2). In other news, I'm missing the worksession tomorrow. Pout. -- carter 22:20, 11 March 2010 (EST)
But the commander ranks don't relate directly to the mission, they are the ranks within the club, not positions fulfilled during a mission, and they are on the "year" template anyhow. I'm inclined to think that the mission template ought to reflect the post members held during the mission, including ground(non-astro) positions (ie "Flight Director" and "Simulation Director", they used to be the only mission posts other than Hab-Cmdr). These info relates more distinctivly to the mission itself, and yes, I do realize that it will make for outragously long templates. But I think having all that boring table-esque info neatly formated in a table looks good no matter how long it ends up to be.--Anthony 22:24, 11 March 2010 (EST)
I'm with Ben on this one; having only the main leaders in the table makes the table nice and small and pretty. Everyone else can be listed in the article proper, as those positions are more likely to change from year to year (I don't know how to do conditional rows). As to Anthony's criticism, these are Mission Ranks listed here: Habitat Commander, Mission Control Commander, and Simulator Commander are only used during the Mission. Subcommander is a bit of a crossover, but it could be different between the year's subcommander and the mission's habitat subcommander. Stefanido 23:06, 11 March 2010 (EST)


Is there a foreseeable circumstance where the Pagename will not be the Mission Name? If not, then the name variable should be {{PAGENAME}} instead of {{{name}}}. -- Stefanido 16:56, 11 March 2010 (EST)

'Greed. ---Q-Cumber 16:58, 11 March 2010 (EST)

Overall Visual Effect

A border would be nice... ---Wernstrum, Spartakat, Jonas 20:56, 22 March 2010 (EDT)