Within Spacesim
Since the OCESS is an educational organization, it is to be expected that one not-so-unpleasant side effect of being a member of Spacesim is that you learn things. Most of the learning experience that OCESS members recieve is actualy not related to space. Just by participating in the Work Sessions, members have an oppertunity to learn the theories about, and actualy undertake various tasks. Electronics and woodworking are examples of things that Space Sim members pick up just by goping to the work sessions.
Since Space Sim IS a space-oriented organization, its members also have the oppertunity to learn a lot about space sciences. The Mission, which occurs every week and lasts five days, is a chance for OCESS members to learn about space travel and life in space. Asides from the mission, OCESS members have an oppertunity to learn about astrology and astronomy by helping out in either the EEPs or Planetarium programs.
Within Lisgar
Within Lisgar, Spacesim offers the Galileo Challenge to all Lisgar students. It is a science-based competition and is aimed at grades 9 and 10.
Within The Community
Within the community, OCESS offers numerous educational programs. First and foremost, the OCESS has EEPS and Planetarium programs which it offers to schools and other institutions such as day cares and recreational centers. These programs teach people about space and space sciences, while generating much-needed revenue for spacesim.
In addition to these programs, spacesim is planning to re-start the Summer Camp. This summer camp will be aimed at educating children abot space sciences over the summer. Children participating in the Summer Camp will have access to our Planetarium and EEPS; as well as our space simulation software and facilities. At the end of the week they will be able to participate in their own simulated Mission