Orbital Insertion from Approach Procedures
From OCE Space Simulation
Revision as of 15:24, 26 April 2013 by Jared Kelly (Talk | contribs)
Orbital Insertion from Approach
- Press “v” to display target approach velocity vector on the main display.
- Select Status: REFERENCE (toggle Tab key)
- choose Reference object to the same as TARGET for orbital maneuvers (press appropriate key from Table 1.5.A)
- Select Status: CENTRE (toggle Tab key)
- choose target as centre view point object (press appropriate key from Table 1.5.A)
- Adjust the approach velocity vector to approach the target slightly to the right side (for a ccw orbit).
- Press F1 for manual orientation.
- rotate the orientation of the AYSE drive to alter the approach velocity vector.
- manually re-orient the AYSE drive in the opposite direction to stabilize the approach velocity vector.
- The A to targ value will now read a bit low and will become more inaccurate the closer you get to the target since you are no longer moving directly towards it.
- Your goal is adjust thrust to slow the Vhab-ref to the Vo ref velocity by the time your approach velocity vector is perpendicular to the direction to the target. When this is achieved:
- stop the engine (Backspace key)
- You are now in orbit.
- Ensure that the Reference object is the same as the target.
- Press F2 for automatic orbit ref orientation.