Red Tape

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This article is about Space Sim Lore. It contains anecdotes or Spacesim mythology.

Red Tape, otherwise known as bureaucracy, is something frequently encountered by all those who deal with large organizations such as the OCDSB. Spacesim's encounters with Red Tape have included the many Fire Marshals visits and the shuffling of the club back and forth between the Media Centre and 440 Albert Street.

Red Tape in 2007-08

During the 2007-08 scholastic year, Spacesim was notified that they would be moved to another room of Ottawa Tech to make room for a growing masons' school. Spacesim was later told that they would not have to move, but even later they were told that they would have to again. Coincidentally, or related to a worldwide Illuminati conspiracy, some type of inspector announced that the Habitat was unsafe.

Red Tape in 2010-11

At the end of the previous year (2009-10), Spacesim was subjected to an inspection from Occupational Health and Safety, resulting in the temporary closing of the 440 facilities. This closing continued into the start of the 2010-11 year, resulting in a severe lack of worksessions at the start of the year. Instead, EEPs and Orbit training sessions were held at Lisgar.

Red Tape in 2019-20

Less than a week before the mission was scheduled to begin, the OCDSB announced that there would be an update to fire code for all schools in the district. Due to this, and Spacesim's low priority compared to programs such as childcare, Spacesim's permission to remain in 440 overnight was revoked, and the mission schedule had to be rewritten to accommodate for the 50 missing hours. It should be noted that this is not a Red Tape in the traditional sense, but instead an example of the OCDSB encountering an issue with the Red Tape of the city fire department.

See Also