
From OCE Space Simulation
Revision as of 20:08, 11 April 2006 by TheKillerRabbit (Talk | contribs)

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I want you guys to look at the original version of this page, and my version. Do you see the difference? In one version, you make Misssion Daedelus sound real. It is not, it is a space Sim mission. Additionally Mission Alphas are simulations of simulations, so all the more reason to make the difference clear. - Avacar 10:04, 11 April 2006 (EDT)

I think we switched Alpha and Gamma missions this year; alpha was real and gamma is simulated. For the record. --Foo1 15:55, 11 April 2006 (EDT)
When did we have gamma? When will we have gamma? All your Γ are belong to us! --The Killer Rabbit aka Nevin 16:59, 11 April 2006 (EDT)
It hasn;t happened yet. we had alpha and beta. Thus, if there is to be another mission which is 100% simulated and everything goes wrong and hab gnomes rip out your eyebrows, it has to be GAMMA!! gamma shall eat your soul *rawr*--Foo1 17:09, 11 April 2006 (EDT)
Can we make the assumption that the nomenclature works like that of computer programs, i.e. alpha, beta, gamma, delta, etc. (α, β, γ, δ, etc.) are sequential pre-release versions, and the main mission has no greek letter? This would make the recent mission to Venus Mission Alpha, the upcoming 'fun' mission Beta/Gamma/<insert Greek Letter>, and the main mission to Titan would be simply The Mission, or Mission Omega, or what have you. --The Killer Rabbit aka Nevin 20:08, 11 April 2006 (EDT)