Talk:Procedures Table of Contents

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Revision as of 13:24, 11 March 2010 by Stefanido (Talk | contribs)

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Procedures Project Status


  • Maclean already has a bulk of work done, which she should put up.
  • Chapter divisions proposed. Not all necessary articles listed. Does not reflect current Procedure numbering system. Stefanido 12:55, 3 March 2010 (EST)


Hey! Time to update these to be actually useful! I'll get started. Stefanido 22:17, 2 March 2010 (EST)

Maclean's already on it. ---Q-Cumber 11:56, 3 March 2010 (EST)
Srsly? Let's see it then! Stefanido 12:32, 3 March 2010 (EST)
It's in process ---Q-Cumber 15:43, 3 March 2010 (EST)
Sorry for my earlier tone. What I meant to say was that a common fallacy in organizations like Spacesim is that when a particular task has been assigned to someone, the other members assume that it will get done in a timely manner, and so they can cease to take any responsibility for it. While Maclean is undoubtedly one of the most dedicated Spacesim members I have met, writing a procedures manual is not really a solitary task, and I doubt that she will be able to complete it without some help. In order to dispel the inertia that's keeping the procedures at the stage they were when I was a Commander, I feel that contributors to the Wiki should start updating the procedures themselves. In this way, not only is the burden lifted from being solely Maclean's, but other members of Spacesim have the chance to contribute to the procedures, and the procedures will be more robust for having been considered from several perspectives. Of course, this should not negate Maclean's efforts towards creating the new procedures, and her current work should be integrated into the wiki wherever possible and as soon as possible. -- Stefanido 13:26, 8 March 2010 (EST)
I tend to agree, as Maclean's come down with mono. *feels annoyed at the time spent commenting on talk pages instead of editing lol* ---Q-Cumber 17:50, 9 March 2010 (EST)
one issue with editing procedures straight on the wiki is that non-Commanders (see everyone currently editing the wiki) will be changing Spacesim's most important document. I think that all changes should be discussed first with a commander or agreed upon by a minimum number of people with minimum ranks on this talk page. - Darth Wombat 23:14, 9 March 2010 (EST)
For the most part, these procedures are the same as the outdated ones I inherited in 2004. I honestly don't think that we could do any harm. In addition, Commanders already control how training is accomplished, and will surely review the manual before any training actually transpires. In that case, and with the Wiki's rollback and edit features, it'll be more easy for Commanders to pick and choose the good procedures proposed here than for them to try and come up with all of them by themselves. As a final argument, participation in the rewriting of Sim's most important document (which should therefore be its most active document) will encourage non-Commanders to take pride in their work at Spacesim, feel that their contributions are meaningful, and perhaps even inspire them to apply to jobs they wouldn't have considered previously. One of Spacesim's aspects is as an organisation that lifts the aspirations of its members, giving them a chance at leadership if they'll take it. -- Stefanido 23:23, 9 March 2010 (EST)