Mission Commanders: Josh Zahl, Dan Sirbu
EEP Commander: Stephen Smith
Planetarium Commanders: Tong Shen, Crystal Xiao
Mission: Luna
Astronauts: Songyan Cai (engineer), Michael Garfinkle (pilot), Lucia Qiao (payload specialist), Tong Shen (co-pilot), Dan Sirbu (mission commander), Jiayi Zhou (payload specialist)
Description: Luna 2003-04 saw an emphasis placed upon realistic simulation.
Features: Astronaut tasks were specialized. A physical shuttle with onboard flight software was constructed to transport astronauts to/from the ISS for a transfer to the space-hab. The hotlab hab expansion module was completed, allowing a range of experiments to be carried out. Hab monitoring software was rewritten in Java for network operation. Three full-day mini-missions were held: two training missions, and one after-mission (intended as a prototype for the full-day mini-mission EEPs). Mission date, for the first time in a number of years, was prior to spring break and was strictly adhered to. The SpaceSim pep-rally was reintroduced for the first time, leading to increased exposure for SpaceSim at Lisgar. Galileo Challenge concept was proposed to the Science Department (and approved to be held in the ensuing year).