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descDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
13:55, 20 June 2020 OrbitX.png (file) 249 KB Stefanido Screenshot of OrbitX. Extracted from the github repo on 2020-06-20. 1
15:53, 19 April 2010 Wrench icon.png (file) 24 KB Stefanido Taken from Wikimedia Commons. 1
01:16, 16 April 2010 Simmie stairs.jpg (file) 76 KB Stefanido The Simulator Stairwell and Junkyard with Anthony Xing in the foreground in May 2006. 1
01:14, 16 April 2010 Corkboard.jpg (file) 384 KB Stefanido The Coarkboard in Copernicus being outfitted with the latest Gao Hexadecimal system. 1
01:08, 16 April 2010 Old bunks.jpg (file) 114 KB Stefanido The original bunkbeds in the Hawking II Longhouse. 1
01:05, 16 April 2010 Gao decimal.jpg (file) 59 KB Stefanido The Jeffrey Gao Decimal System reference sheet in Copernicus. 1
01:00, 16 April 2010 EEP demo 2.jpg (file) 950 KB Stefanido The remainder of the EEPs equipment. 1
01:00, 16 April 2010 EEP demo 1.jpg (file) 996 KB Stefanido Stephen Smith and Brian Foo run an EEPs training session in October 2005. 1
00:50, 16 April 2010 Power Coupling.jpg (file) 758 KB Stefanido Stephen Smith and an alum whose name I've forgotten :( discuss the power coupling. 1
00:49, 16 April 2010 Crystal Xiao.jpg (file) 795 KB Stefanido Alumna Crystal Xiao in Mission Control in 2005. 1
23:26, 15 April 2010 IDA 2007 2.jpg (file) 121 KB Stefanido Brian Foo and Matt Farkas-Dyck test the hovercraft in preparation for the festivities. 1
23:23, 15 April 2010 IDA 2007 1.jpg (file) 145 KB Stefanido Jeffrey Gao and Jim Magwood setup for International Day of Astronomy on April 27, 2007. 1
23:13, 15 April 2010 Planetarium.JPG (file) 85 KB Stefanido Brian Foo aids in the inflation of the Planetarium at the 440 Albert Cafeteria for a training session for new presenters in April 2007. 1
23:06, 15 April 2010 The Hand.jpg (file) 93 KB Stefanido The Hand. Drawn by Val Sirbu. 1
22:36, 15 April 2010 F4.jpg (file) 69 KB Stefanido The F4 composed of Yan Jing, Jen Li, Linxi Li, and Sylvia Wang dressed to perform as part of the Lisgar choir on Rememberance Day 2006. 1
22:20, 15 April 2010 Games simoffice.jpg (file) 100 KB Stefanido Jonathan Scothorn plays Diablo II in the Sim Office, while Kenneth Lindsay looks on. 1
22:12, 15 April 2010 Drawers TF.jpg (file) 101 KB Stefanido Ben Paul installs drawers in the Longhouse kitchen area as part of the drawers task force of 2006-07. 1
22:05, 15 April 2010 Door card.jpg (file) 97 KB Stefanido The door card, as it appeared in 2007. 1
13:08, 7 April 2010 Camera icon.png (file) 3 KB Stefanido Taken from [ Wikimedia Commons] 1
12:50, 7 April 2010 Org icon.png (file) 5 KB Stefanido Taken from [ Wikimedia Commons]. 1
16:23, 6 April 2010 Star icon.png (file) 1 KB Stefanido Taken from [ Wikimedia Commons]. 1
16:12, 6 April 2010 Lock.png (file) 8 KB Stefanido Taken from [ Wikimedia Commons] 1
16:11, 6 April 2010 Thumbs down.png (file) 5 KB Stefanido Taken from [ Wikimedia Commons] 1
16:11, 6 April 2010 Thumbs up.png (file) 5 KB Stefanido Taken from [ Wikimedia Commons] 1
13:09, 28 March 2010 Yearbook 1993 2.JPG (file) 30 KB Stefanido What is believed to be Mission Control 1993. 1
13:08, 28 March 2010 Yearbook 1993.JPG (file) 28 KB Stefanido L-R Front Row: Steve Ting, Ralph Edwards, Sam Shepherd, Miriam Padolsky, Chris Brown, Margaret Brown, Margaret Jones, Vikram Bajaj. 2nd Row: Jonathan Beverly, Pat Odolphski, Jen Kassie, Samia Sheikh, Kajal Khanna, Kirsten Weisz, Anatole Popadopolous. 3rd 1
12:59, 28 March 2010 Yearbook 1992.JPG (file) 24 KB Stefanido From Lisgar: Jen Kassie, Marilyn Brown, Kirsten Weisz, Ali Azarbar, Mr. Pritchett. Joined by students and teachers from: Dunlop Public School, Highland Park H.S. 1
17:09, 25 March 2010 Astros 1999.jpg (file) 28 KB Stefanido The Astronauts from Phobos 1999. Taken from 1
12:27, 25 March 2010 Uranus sym.png (file) 3 KB Stefanido Symbol for Uranus. Taken from Wikimedia Commons. 1
12:23, 25 March 2010 Asteroid sym.png (file) 2 KB Stefanido Symbol for asteroids. Taken from Wikimedia Commons. 1
12:23, 25 March 2010 Venus sym.png (file) 3 KB Stefanido Symbol for Venus. Taken from Wikimedia Commons. 1
12:23, 25 March 2010 Uranus.png (file) 3 KB Stefanido Symbol for Uranus. Taken from Wikimedia Commons. 1
12:22, 25 March 2010 Sol sym.png (file) 4 KB Stefanido Symbol for Sol. Taken from Wikimedia Commons. 1
12:22, 25 March 2010 Saturn sym.png (file) 2 KB Stefanido Symbol for Saturn. Taken from Wikimedia Commons. 1
12:21, 25 March 2010 Pluto sym.png (file) 1 KB Stefanido Symbol for Pluto. Taken from Wikimedia Commons. 1
12:19, 25 March 2010 Neptune sym.png (file) 3 KB Stefanido Symbol for Neptune. Taken from Wikimedia Commons. 1
12:19, 25 March 2010 Moon sym.png (file) 3 KB Stefanido Symbol for the Moon. Taken from Wikimedia Commons. 1
12:18, 25 March 2010 Mercury sym.png (file) 3 KB Stefanido Symbol for Mercury. Taken from Wikimedia Commons. 1
12:18, 25 March 2010 Mars sym.png (file) 3 KB Stefanido Symbol for Mars. Taken from Wikimedia Commons. 1
12:17, 25 March 2010 Jupiter sym.png (file) 2 KB Stefanido Symbol for Jupiter. Taken from Wikimedia Commons. 1
12:16, 25 March 2010 Earth sym.png (file) 5 KB Stefanido Symbol for Earth. Taken from Wikimedia Commons. 1
12:16, 25 March 2010 Comet sym.png (file) 5 KB Stefanido The Symbol for Comets. From wikimedia commons. 1
13:55, 12 March 2010 Borrelly Jets.jpg (file) 643 KB Stefanido This is a composite of images acquired by NASA's Deep Space 1 spacecraft, showing some of the features in comet Borrelly's coma, dust jets, and nucleus. The range to the comet in this view is about 4800 kilometers (3000 miles). Borrelly's nucleus is about 1
13:48, 12 March 2010 Borrelly.jpg (file) 32 KB Stefanido Comet Borrelly, as taken by Deep Space 1, and published on Astronomy Picture of the Day. 1
22:59, 11 March 2010 Astros 1991.JPG (file) 27 KB Stefanido Source: Vox Lycei 1990-91 pg. 132 For the third year, Lisgar has participated in an International Space Exchange in Houston, Texas, in February. This year's mission featured students from the U.S., Canada, Japan and for the first time, the U.S.S.R. Lisga 1
22:47, 11 March 2010 Yearbook 1991.JPG (file) 25 KB Stefanido Source: Vox Lycei 1990-91 '''Student Enrichment Committee''' We're the ones who run the school. Not quite, but we do exist. We're the group of dedicated over-worded and under-appreciated (everyone's sob story) who, under the guidance of Mr. Pritchett, or 1
00:43, 11 March 2010 Max Jeffcott New EVA.JPG (file) 545 KB Stefanido Max Jeffcott suits up for a Training Mission in 2009-10. 1
00:39, 11 March 2010 New Helmet Old Suit.JPG (file) 93 KB Stefanido Kenneth Lindsay demonstrates the new helmet design with the old suit design in 2006-07. 1
00:21, 11 March 2010 Munchkin 2007.jpg (file) 116 KB Stefanido   2

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